Oregon Coast Cycle Tour

Location: Oregon, USA
Date: June 3rd, 2016 - June 10th, 2016
Time: 7 Days
Weather: 10-15°C
Total Elevation Change: 4900m
Distance: 595km
We started on the western outskirts of Portland by assembling ours bikes from the transport bags. The plan was the head west and take the Nestucca highway, which is a small rarely used road to the coast. This ended up being one of our favorite parts of the ride, despite the over 1000m elevation gain/loss it involved. Once at the coast we would ride south until we reached a town called Brookings on the California border.
Only twenty kilometers in, we already had our first break down. My pedal came off and sheared some of the threads. Thankfully we were able to get it back on and have it stay there for the remainder of the trip.
With a slower start than expected and some mechanical problems, we hadn't made it even close to the first camp ground before it began to get dark. Thankfully a very generous person allowed us to camp in their beautiful backyard. They even served us a steak dinner!
The next day started with the first of what would be more than few crashes by Jeff. Jeff can not be trusted to multitask.
Thankful to be out of the sun and having some road side lunch.
That night we stayed in an rv resort that was overrun by bunnies. There had to be more than 50 bunnies just running all over place.
In the morning we had our usual breakfast of oatmeal and some fresh cherries we had bought on the side of the road.
Jeff's only method of drying his underwear.
Although we were only two people, every time we stopped, we ordered enough food for 3.
This was probably our favorite breakfast place along the whole ride!
The two greatest last names ever to come together for a wedding.
This was the most atmospheric hike I've ever been on. There were these crazy heavy winds pounding the coast and low level clouds.
Jeff left some food in the bag that hung under his frame over night. Some sort of animal managed to chew through the bag and got everything.
Classic America.
The standard dinner we would have after a grocery store visit.
Only 55 miles to go!
Almost 600km later we arrived at our destination!
Now the long, long, long greyhound ride back to Portland. Only 15 min into the ride ... we break down .... for 8 hours.
Riding a greyhound will drive you to alcoholism.