A Weekend at Whitefish

The town of Whitefish was roughly 5 hours drive from Calgary through the prairies and towards the mountains.
With storm clouds on the horizon, a white knuckle drive through blizzard conditions lay ahead of us.
Thankfully everybody went slow and we all made it safely to whitefish that night. The promise of 7 inches of new snow had *most* of us up early that day.
Walking outside the door to our room we discovered the other room in our party had left a small surprise for us.
We were lucky enough to be staying right on the hill, so it was just a short walk outside before we were putting our gear on.
As were neared the top and began passing through the clouds, we realized just how much snow there was.
What followed, was a day of what was unanimously agreed to be the best day of skiing we had every had. There was no searching for untouched powder, EVERYTHING was powder. At times there was so much that without wide of enough skis and some speed you would just sink into the snow.
Ending the day with a group shot with Jesus. Who knew that he skied?
After a the long day of skiing we headed into town to a bar called "Casey's" to finish the night off. FREE FUSEBALL!